The Greatest Change
By Daniel Campbell In 2006, I started watching a television show called Avatar: The Last Airbender. In the show, four elements are “bent” to the will of the bender. Each bending style is inspired by one of China’s great martial arts: Bāguàzhăng, Tàijíquán, Hung Ga kung fu, and Northern Shaolin (Běishàolín) kung fu. This interested […]

Temple Visit in Los Angeles
By Sion Oppeneer Last two weeks I traveled through the United States. One of my destinations was Los Angeles. Since the temple of the ‘Great Tao Foundation’, where the Tao meetings that I weekly follow online are held, is located there I contacted Derek Lin to see the possibility for a visit. I received an […]

Initiation Q&A
求道 The Qiu Dao ritual is the path of initiation in I-Kuan Tao. Qiu (pronounced like chio) means request, and Dao is simply the Pinyin transliteration of Tao. Together, these characters denote a ceremonial process where the seeker requests the Tao, which is then transmitted by the ordained Master of I-Kuan Tao. The ordained Master (Dian […]
Three Treasures
三寶 The Three Treasures of I-Kuan Tao are given to those who request and receive the Tao through the initiation ceremony. They are powerful spiritual tools you can utilize throughout your journey.