The Greatest Change
By Daniel Campbell In 2006, I started watching a television show called Avatar: The Last Airbender. In the show, four elements are “bent” to the will of the bender. Each bending style is inspired by one of China’s great martial arts: Bāguàzhăng, Tàijíquán, Hung Ga kung fu, and Northern Shaolin (Běishàolín) kung fu. This interested […]

Temple Visit in Los Angeles
By Sion Oppeneer Last two weeks I traveled through the United States. One of my destinations was Los Angeles. Since the temple of the ‘Great Tao Foundation’, where the Tao meetings that I weekly follow online are held, is located there I contacted Derek Lin to see the possibility for a visit. I received an […]

Indiana Shrine Dedication
By Bill Bunting On May 29, 2005, a group of masters and members of the I-Kuan Tao temple in El Monte, California, quietly thundered into Indianapolis, Indiana, and the status quo there would never be the same. I picked the words I used above very carefully because it’s important to convey the level of energy, […]
About the Shrine
The meaning of the shrine starts with the recognition of oneness. The idea is that we human beings may have many different names for the divine, but all these names are ultimately varying descriptions of the same thing – the one great spiritual truth – that which we cannot comprehend fully, and yet makes us […]

My Journey
By Ed Monaghan 2005 was a difficult year. The business I started 13 years before was essentially ejected from its location and my wife and I did not know what to do next. In 1992 I started a gym in West Hollywood, California and began to explore the fusion of martial arts and fitness in […]
Introduction to I-Kuan Tao
I-Kuan Tao (pronounced “yee guan dao”) is one of the most significant spiritual movements in Taiwan. Its name can be literally translated as “The Tao that unifies all with oneness.” The basis of I-Kuan Tao is rooted in Chinese traditions, with teachings emphasizing traditional values such as family, honor, respect and moderation. It is no […]

Maitreya Buddha
彌勒佛 The Maitreya Buddha is a figure that just about everyone recognizes on sight. Some know him as “Fat Buddha” or “Happy Buddha.” Many mistake him for Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Relatively few in the West know the Maitreya name, and even fewer know who he actually is. It’s a bit strange when you think […]

Guan Sheng Di Jun
關聖帝君 Guan Sheng Di Jun is one of the deities venerated in the I-Kuan Tao religious practice. He is well known to the Chinese, and his name and legendary tales have spread to Korea and Japan, but outside of Asia he is relatively unknown. His formal title, Guan Sheng Di Jun, can be translated as […]

Sixth Patriarch
六祖 The Sixth Patriarch of the Zen lineage, Huineng, is one of the most influential figures in Eastern philosophy, and this story may be the most significant in all of Zen lore. Not only is it an interesting tale of an underdog attaining the highest position against all odds, but also it is an essential lesson […]

Senior Grand Master
老前人 Senior Grand Master Chang Pei-Cheng came to Taiwan from mainland China in 1947. His goal was to establish I-Kuan Tao. This was a difficult mission with many obstacles, not the least of which was government oppression in the early days. In his extraordinary efforts to overcome these hurdles, the Senior Grand Master took on […]